The world will continue to grow, GDP continues to be our yardstick. While degrowth is not a feasible strategy to limit and decrease our global consumption/emissions, thinking at a planetary scale is. This means every job is a climate job, even rapid expansion and business growth strategy. The answers is additionality. Your bottom line needs to take into account the costs to natural resources and the society you impact. This is what ESG actually means: do good by people and planet, and set yourself the rules and incentives to respect those limits. Your strategy needs to contribute to the global commons, not taking without giving back.
Alexandre Bertuzzi
Alex is an engineer at heart and by training. He uses this frame to create business and technology strategies that scale with speed and efficiency. An Italian/French national with extensive time working internationally, he communicates easily in an executive and technology team context. Alex is our blitzscaling master and has an approach to management that yields exceptional results.

Jennie-Marie Larsen
JM likes to solve problems with data science and believes in a world where minds + machines can be combined to change things at the macro level. She believes the climate crisis is our global opportunity to rebuild the future in a sustainable way for people and planet. JM is our technology storyteller and will break down any barrier with a human touch.

We are technologists and innovators at heart. We have 6 languages between us and have launched business operations in over 25 countries throughout Europe, North America, Asia and South America. We have the cross-discipline network you need to access to activate your scale-up potential. We have the experience and creativity to guide your business through exponential growth.
We work with a network of partners in climate and data science, software development, public relations and digital marketers. We have the people and resources to scale with your organisation.